The first step to solving any problem is understanding it. At Heal Health & Performance we start with professionally diagnosing our patients and then choosing the correct course of action. With our complete staff of Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Naturopathic Doctors, Osteopathic Manual Practitioners and Registered Massage Therapists we have all the tools to get you better. With a one-stop-shop approach our practitioners can collaborate to make sure you get the best treatment possible. Our service doesn't stop there, we make sure you leave educated on how to continue treatment at home and how to prevent future injuries.
Why we get you better, faster.
Our Team

Our doctors of chiropractic are experts of diagnosing complex issues and developing effective treatment plans to get you back to good health. It may come as a surprise that our chiropractors do more than adjust your spine, they can help you with any muscle, joint, or nerve pain in any part of your body. For your first visit consider seeing a chiropractor.


Naturopathic Medicine
Our Naturopathic Doctors bridge the gap between medical doctors and a natural approach to a healthy lifestyle. Our naturopaths work with both men and women to optimize your health and address your areas of concern. Book a free 15 minute discovery call to see if naturopathic medicine is right for you!
Our clinic also offers traditional acupuncture billable under naturopathic medicine.

Hamilton, ON L8W 0C4